Repost Pro
Repost Tool helps you to easily repost viral contents from other instagram pages and/or reshare them to your story.
You see this tool in the left menu, and when you click on it, the following two options appear:
🔸 Settings :
Set your targets
You must search for the target you wanted it to get posts.
Set Media types
Select media post types for the repost ,When empty we will use all media post types for repost.
Set the speed
Choose the speed you want to repost the content and after how much time to remove it.
Custom time for the repost When using this feature according to the pattern:repost[0:00], the default speed algorithm will be ignored, but if it remains empty, the default speed algorithm will be used as following as
Set the pause feature
to pause repost content between specified times everyday.
Add your Caption
Enter your captions you want for your reposts or leave it empty.
Caption Filtration
If you enter words, characters or symbols inside the field,
the system will skip all posts that contain them.
Users Blacklists
If you enter users in this field, the system will skip their posts.
Find & Replace for original post caption
If you want to use this feature, you have the following patterns
usertags: @old_username=@new_username
hashtags: #old_hashtag=#new_hashtag
custom text replacement: {Text in caption}={New text}
Find & Tag users from original post caption
If you enable this feature, All users mentioned in the original post caption will be tagged.
just enter your usertags in blacklist.
First comment
You can enter the first comment if you want, or leave it empty
you can click on the checkbox then choose the minimum and maximum value of comments, likes, plays, views.
Language filtration
system will analyze the post caption to detect user language.
In addition to many features such as Metadata Settings , Custom usertags for post , Custom proxy
✨ don't forget to change your status to active and click save
🔸 Activity Log :
By clicking on Activity Log, it summarizes all activities for you.
Last updated